Gain Lean Muscle

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More stress, more lean muscle gain

Gaining lean muscle and losing body fat is a common question and also troubled me some years ago, but now it doesn't bother me any more. I shall be very glad to share my experience with you - how to gain muscle.

Many people are very nasty and negative about it. They don't want to take time on it, instead, only care about which method is useful to gain lean muscle, usually asking "Really? it can be done ? Tell us how to do it. Show us." But I need to say that muscle gain is IRON related, training related, not supplement related. So such phrase "Build/Gain muscle fast" is just spinach, it doesn't really happen!

Muscles grow and gain because of stress. Basically it causes the muscles to adapt and then your muscle will become stronger. But what is the stress and what is the best one to cause muscles to grow. The best one is to intense muscles contractions. Tensions can be generated from doing extra reps, doing extra sets or heading have your weight. Doing it more often and doing it for a longer period of time. But not just walking around, because that is not the intense to cause muscles to gain. You need to got to be intensity and that will cause your body to change, you will see lean muscle.

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